Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Tempat-tempat yg masih misterius....

1.Segitiga Bermuda

Mendengar Segitiga Bermuda tentu semua orang hampir mengetahui keangkeran tempat tersebut. Misteri hilangnya beberapa kapal laut dan pesawat di kawasan Segitiga Bermuda tentu membuat setiap orang tercekam. Di sana juga diyakini menjadi tempat bersemayam Setan Segitiga Bermuda. Tempat tersebut terletak di antara Miami, Bermuda dan San Juan (Puerto Rico). Cerita yang paling menarik adalah hilangnya semua skuadron pesawat pembom tahun 1945 dan hilangnya beberapa kapal besar. Anehnya, tidak satu pun mayat atau puing pesawat dan kapal ditemukan. Bahkan beberapa alat mencatat gelombang electromagnet yang ganjil di tempat tersebut. Banyak orang yang percaya bahwa tempat tersebut dijadikan markas makhluk luar angkasa.


Kota terpendam Edinburg, selatan Bridge yang terdiri dari jaringan ruwet bawah tanah, kamar, terowong kapal , dan gang telah terbungkus dalam misteri dan intrik selama ini. Kota ini dibuka tahun 1788 tetapi hampir tidak diketahui keberadaannya, sampai tahun 1985 kota tersebut ditemukan kembali. Diyakini di tempat tersebut menjadi tempat hidup dan matinya ribuan orang bawah tanah.


Kota ini terkenal karena sejarah vampir. Penghisap darah tersebut diyakini pernah menguasai kota ini. Transylvania juga diyakini menjadi tempat lahirnya dunia kegelapan. Kota yang terletak di bagian barat Rumania ini menjadi rumah drakula. Kastil Bran yang merupakan kastil para drakula pada abad 14 juga menjadi tempat yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sekitar 20 mile dari kota Brasov, yang dibayangi Gunung Bucegi, terdapat rumah yang dulunya milik seorang pangeran Romania yang menjadi vampir.

langsung ke TKP aja....

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009


udah lama juga ga update  nih blog.,pdhl sibuk jg enggak konsen kuliah jg enggak,TA juga blom tersentuh...

tapi dasarnya orang malez,apa boleh buat....

ternyata stlh sekian lama ga nge-blog ada rasa kangen jg lho....

btw.,bbrp minggu ini perkuliahan dikampuz rasanya udah mulai gak kondusif(cye.,sok pke bhs tingkat tinggi)....

banyak dosen yg sering gak ngajar,ngasih tugas doang,ada jg yg bikin kita terombang-ambing bikin tugas praktikum...

padahal kan kita udah semester terakhir....nih para dosen nyadar gak sih???kt blom dpt "banyak" nih selama kuliah hampir 3taon....

perlu dijitak kepalanya kali ya baru pada nyadar....

eh iya.,sbenernya gak sekedar dr dosennya sih...para mahasiswa(terutama di kelasku) jg pd ogah2an....

moga2 tetep bs lulus bareng&tepat waktu deh kita semua....

yang baca tolong doain ya....

pray emoticon Pictures, Images and Photos

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

Love for a Child(benarkah?!?!)

Love for a Child
by Jason Mraz

There's a picture on my kitchen wall
Looks like Jesus and his friends involved
There's a party getting started in the yard
There's a couple getting steamy in the car parked in the drive
Was I too young to see this with my eyes?

And by the pool that night, apparently
The chemicals weren't mixed properly
You hit your head and then forgot your name
And you woke up at the bottom by the drain
And now your altitude and your memory's a shame

So, what about taking this empty cup and filling it up
With a little bit more of innocence
I haven't had enough, it's probably because when you're young
It's okay to be easily ignored
I like to believe it was all about love for a child

And when the house was left in shambles
Who was there to handle all the broken bits of glass
Was it mom who put my dad out on his ass or the other way around
Well I'm far too old to care about that now

So, what about taking this empty cup and filling it up
With a little bit more of innocence
I haven't had enough, it's probably because when you're young
It's okay to be easily ignored
I'd like to believe it was all about love for a child

It's kinda nice to work the floor since the divorce
I've been enjoying both my Christmases and my birthday cakes
And taking drugs and making love at far too young an age
Oh but they never check to see my grades
What a fool I'd be to start complaining now

What about taking this empty cup and filling it up
With a little bit more of some innocence
I haven't had enough, it's probably because when you're young
It's okay to be easily ignored
I'd love to believe it was all about love for a child

It was all about love...

**jadi ingat masa-masa "itu"

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

setelah sekian lama

sudah lama juga aku enggak posting tulisan(ato tepatnya ketikan sendiri) ke blog ini. terakhir yang aku posting selalu lyric lagu. sebenernya postingan lirik2 itu sih cuma buat ngisi nih blog biar keliatan update gitu. sampe hari ini pun sebenernya masih males juga buat ngisi nih blog.tapi,sia-sia dong kalo ada waktu luang gak dimanfaatin.
akhir-akhir ini kalo dirasain(gak tau rasa coklat ato stroberi) kok makin lama jadi makin males ya?!padahal deadline TA udah makin dekat.belum lagi perasaan pesimis yang makin menjadi-jadi. kadang-kadang jadi ngeri sendiri. sempet juga kepikiran,"apa aku akan mati muda ya?"tapi kan masih banyak dosanya???aammmpppuunnn......
bagi yang baca,doain moga-moga aku tetep idup sampe timbangan amalku lebih berat dari timbangan dosaku ya.....

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009

It Hurts

Artist: Angels And Airwaves
Album: We Don't Need To Whisper
Year: 2006
Title: It Hurts

It hurts... [x17]

Is this what you want?
'Cause everybody acts without a clue
Every little kiss and grin you gave
Was just a little bullshit I saw through

The alcohol is scented with your breath
You're always all done up to just be used
I'm waiting for excuses that deceive
I'll meet you in the back to see them through

How did I let her inside?
We're dripping of sweat, I'm feeling alright
Her lips were the last thing touched tonight
Your best friend is not your girlfriend

It hurts... [x17]

Are you out of your mind?
You dug yourself into a liar’s hole
You made a little spark to live inside
It’s now a fucking fire out of control
And when the morning comes you’ll act surprised
And when the word gets out it will get old
And every day you’ll try to live your life
And every little scandal will unfold

How did I let her inside?
We're dripping of sweat, I'm feeling alright
Her lips were the last thing touched tonight
Your best friend is not your girlfriend

Sherrie, do you want it?
Sherrie, I want it too
Sherrie, do you want it?
Sherrie, I want it too

How did I let her inside?
We're dripping of sweat, I'm feeling alright
Her lips were the last thing touched tonight
Your best friend is not your girlfriend

(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts)
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts) Your best friend is not your girlfriend
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts)
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts) Your best friend is not your girlfriend
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts)
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts) Your best friend is not your girlfriend
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts)
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts) Your best friend is not your girlfriend

Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

Dilema fesBUK

beberapa hari yang lalu, tepatnya tanggal........(liat dulu di YM)..........ternyata gak ada tanggalnya....
yaahhh.,pokoknya beberapa hari yang lalu gitu lah...
begitu OL YM, langsung ada bbrp offline message menyerbu yang ngasih link sama yaitu


karna banyak yg ngirimin tuh link, pastinya aku jadi penasaran. langsung aja tanpa tunggu aba-aba dari wasit, dengan kecepatan kilat jari telunjukku menekan "klik kiri" dari mouse...
lalu apa yang terjadi?!?!?!

kebimbangan melanda.....
pas lagi seneng-senengnya utak-atik fesbuk...eh.,ternyata ada info gituan.....
gimana gak tersiksa....
mana tuh fesbuk udah diiklanin kesana-kemari ma temen-temen........
pasti bakalan merasa berdosa banget kalo aku buka fesbuk.,karna itu berarti (klo isi artikel itu beneran!!!) aku termasuk orang yang ikut andil dalam penindasan&pembantaian saudara-saudara kita di palestina....

gimana dong?!?!?!?!

Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

The Spirit Carries On

The Spirit Carries On

Music by dream theater

Lyrics by john petrucci

Where did we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go when we die?
What lies beyond
And what lay before?
Is anything certain in life?

They say, life is too short,
The here and the now
And youre only given one shot
But could there be more,
Have I lived before,
Or could this be all that weve got?

If I die tomorrow
Id be allright
Because I believe
That after were gone
The spirit carries on

I used to be frightened of dying
I used to think death was the end
But that was before
Im not scared anymore
I know that my soul will transcend

I may never find all the answers
I may never understand why
I may never prove
What I know to be true
But I know that I still have to try

If I die tomorrow
Id be allright
Because I believe
That after were gone
The spirit carries on

Move on, be brave
Dont weep at my grave
Because I am no longer here
But please never let
Your memory of me disappear

Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind
Has helped me to find
The meaning in my life again
Victorias real
I finally feel
At peace with the girl in my dreams
And now that Im here
Its perfectly clear
I found out what all of this means

If I die tomorrow
Id be allright
Because I believe
That after were gone
The spirit carries on

You are once again surrounded by a brilliant white light. allow the light to lead you away from your past and into this lifetime. as the light dissipates you will slowly fade back into con
Sness remembering all you have learned. when I tell you to open your eyes you will return to the present, feeling peaceful and refreshed. open your eyes, nicholas.

source : http://www.lyricsfreak.com/d/dream+theater/the+spirit+carries+on_20043389.html